EarthQuaker Devices The Depths Vibrato Pedal
The Depths is our take on the classic optical vibe circuit. It creates a lush, phasing pulse which delivers a three-dimensional swirling sound. The Depths has been optimized to work well with all types of instrument, pickup types and to play well with dirt. With its “Voice” and “Throb” controls, The Depths can achieve sounds from thin and subtle to warm and deep and everything in between. The “Intensity” and “Rate” will go from a smooth, ultra-slow warble all the way to speedy, sharp bursts allowing you to get more than just the classic vibe sounds. The “Level” will allow you to boost the signal well above unity to make up for any perceived volume loss commonly found in vibe pedals. In addition to all that, The Depths can be powered by 9v for warmer tones or up to 18v for a stiffer tone with more headroom and sparkle.
Voice- Dials in the overall sound. Turn it clockwise for a fuller sound with more lows, bring it back for a thinner, more midrange focused tone.
Throb- This controls the low end pulse. It may not be immediately evident on the bridge pickup, but switch to the neck or add some dirt and it comes alive. All the way up for more throb, dial it back for less. Works best when the “Voice” is set to a warmer tone.
Intensity- This controls how subtle or intense the overall effect is. Counter clockwise from noon are the more subtle, classic sounds. Clockwise from noon are the more drastic and intense sounds.
Rate- Controls the speed of the effect. Counterclockwise for slow, clockwise for fast.
Level- Controls the volume of the effect. Unity is around 1 O’clock, everything above that is boost.
4 5/8″ x 2 1/2″ x 2.25″ with knobs
Our pedals take a standard 9 volt DC power supply with a 2.1mm negative center barrel. Powering at 9v gives a warmer and more natural sound, 18v will be stronger with more headroom and “sparkle”. We always recommend pedal-specific, transformer-isolated wall-wart power supplies or multiple isolated-output supplies. Pedals will make extra noise if there is ripple or unclean power. Switching-type power supplies, daisy chains and non-pedal specific power supplies do not filter dirty power as well and let through unwanted noise.
Current draw is 35 mA.